No, I don't think I would. The radiation after the nuclear bomb went off would be extraordinary, and after living in it, it would be a painful way to die. I think I would rather be at ground zero if the nuke was to go off. No muss, no fuss, and a quick death.
To survive a disaster you first must know what type of disaster you wish to prepare for. And that is the key phase, PREPARE Do your homework on what types of disaster you need or want to prepare for, then PREPARE. Get all the items you may need to survive. You also will need to mentally prepare by going over "what if" or worst case scenarios in you head or on paper. Keep in mind that to survive you NEED to be all about you and you alone. The only way you can help others is if you've helped yourself.
Nobody- you cannot win a nuclear war. You may want to watch the film 'Threads' on YouTube for a good simulation of what a Nuclear war would do.
What motivation do you want them to have? You're the author, after all!Think about your antagonist for awhile and you'll come up with something realistic. What sort of background do they have? What personality? What are their hopes and dreams?In order to understand the reason behind their actions, you have to know your antagonists as well as you know your protagonist - fill out one of those character sheets for them so you'll know why they want to cause a nuclear disaster!
The basic idea is to get a lot of building materials and tools together and then write a script that makes a disaster appear every few minutes. There is a great build to survive kit on the free models which makes it easy to make a BTS game with as many disasters as you want. (You have to build each disaster yourself though.) Just search for "Build to Survive Kit" on the free models.
Not all of them will survive
Governments want scientists to work on a nuclear power plant to lessen the dependence of fossil fuels. The product of nuclear power plants are atomic energy, a clean energy alternative.
Only when you want to flirt with disaster: I would not recomend it.
Because the US had them, isn't that enough reason?
yes i want
Some reasons could be: * Availability of nuclear fuel * Availability of nuclear technology * Declining reserves of fossil fuels * Power generation Potential of nuclear fuels
other countries would want to stay non-nuclear
as it still has energy in it.