There are many guys that would like a flat chested girl that is confident.
well he dose not really care she just has to be very cute so if the girl is cute
Flat chested girls are the most beautiful, at least I think so and I love girls more than anyone. Don't worry, a slender chest and body is perfect for many guys.
Every girl has boobs. She is really flat chested but she's 13 so she probably has some.
It's very normal for a thirteen-year-old girl to be flat-chested, I should know 'cause I am flat-chested - but I'm twelve. Basically you need to drink plenty of water and ask your mum how old she was when she started her period and when she started to grow breasts, because you will start around about the same age as your mum. I'm fourteen and I have very small boobs - I'm a 28AA or something, I just wear padded-out bras, LOL. It's nothing to worry about. Try drinking lots of water, and exercising your upper body.
IF its your friends that are making fun of you then there really not your friends but if somebody else then ignore them
i wear tankinis and i wear a 32a bra (but there are pads by the boobs) sorry!! i didn't know how to describe that :) anyway either one is fine but yeah a halter would probably be better -oboerox Well I'm not flat chested, but i would say a halter style bikini would look much better because a tankini needs a little boob support so just to be one the safe side get a halter :D - Ginny
Because most female characters in manga(Japanese comics)/regular comics/animes have super extremely big what-nots. Like in Zero No Tsuikaima, a Japanese anime show, a girl with extremely big what-nots would be considered normal.
Well i am 13 and I'm a 32A/B but i know a few people who are flat chested and the the girl with the biggest boobs in our year is a 36C.. Hope this Helps!! :) xx
Yes, it's fine for a girl to wear whatever she wants and wearing a bra will cause no harm. Although there is no need to wear a bra to fit in, or even to fit in, sometimes it's okay not to fit in.
Like flat chested? If a girl is taking the time out of her day to insult you, you know she's jealous of you in some way, shape, or form. She's just insecure and is making herself feel better. I really suggest you don't stoop to her level. Just smile and let her know you're confident with yourself, and if she doesn't like it it's her problem:)
Yes i know it can be very frustrating to be flat chested. Are you a white girl? There aren't many things you can do other than surgery and padding. Depending on your age depends on your decision. If you are over the age of 25 then surgery is an option, though, i wouldn't recommend it. Then there is stuffing, which i also wouldn't recommend. But if you look at body builders, look at their chests! The men have pecs!! So if your serious about really being flat chested, then you could try bench pressing..? I mean its just a theory but if you want to try it out it might work! Good luck to ya! Its your genes and your genetic code if you are white as Asians and whites have smaller boobs ( average A max B) compared to Latina Brazilians and middle eastern.
Confidence is needed to do many things. Self confidence can be supported by the people around you. Confidence! Rallied the girl.