

Best Answer

Flat chested girls are the most beautiful, at least I think so and I love girls more than anyone. Don't worry, a slender chest and body is perfect for many guys.

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Q: How does a flat chested girl get a good boyfriend?
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They are not good because they are not natural but they can help if you are very flat-chested and seriously upset by that.

Why are some women flat-chested?

Yes i know it can be very frustrating to be flat chested. Are you a white girl? There aren't many things you can do other than surgery and padding. Depending on your age depends on your decision. If you are over the age of 25 then surgery is an option, though, i wouldn't recommend it. Then there is stuffing, which i also wouldn't recommend. But if you look at body builders, look at their chests! The men have pecs!! So if your serious about really being flat chested, then you could try bench pressing..? I mean its just a theory but if you want to try it out it might work! Good luck to ya! Its your genes and your genetic code if you are white as Asians and whites have smaller boobs ( average A max B) compared to Latina Brazilians and middle eastern.

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realize he isn't a good boyfriend and dump him

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Be A GOOD GIRL for a while with her son and help her out when you are over at her house.. be polite and just be you! Good LUCK Girl!!!!!!

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Honestly, if ur a good boyfriend. and you honestly know it and knows that she really likes you too, then ALWAYS is my answer.

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Just like he does with anyone else, or he isn't really a good boyfriend!

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If the girl you like has a boyfriend and the boyfriend tries to fight you, it is important to prioritize your safety. It is best to avoid physical confrontation and try to defuse the situation peacefully. Communicate your feelings to the girl and respect her decision to be with her boyfriend.

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yes they do and they might even have a boy who is not good looking but to them they is

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33 A breast size is good or bad?

There is no good or bad size. No matter what size you are, there are men that like that size. A lot of men say more than a handful is more fun, but some like a woman who is flat chested. So don't worry about it.

Im flat chested and dont tan?

Omg me to im a 11 year old 7th grader im flat to...i know it herts when someone says your flat and i am taned but it doent many if you are taned or not and btw its good ypur flat now cuz if you are later you are ganna lok really preety and you will have some dont worry ...well gust try to stand up