well that's kinda easy if you like a preppy guy they would like a preppy girl.....but i warn you if the guy is preppy and your not DONT CHANGE YOURSELF to fit his needs.....and if you put together a preppy guy and a preppy girl man do you have alot of ego in that relationship
yes A guy might find a girl drummer as attractive as any other girl. The fact that she is a drummer would not make her more attractive, except that it would suggest that she might be vivacious, and that might make her more attractive to some guys.
you don't.
Any girl with confidence is attractive!
Honestly, a true preppy girl is supposed to be nice, and not talk about others, and flash money around. To a true preppy girl, like myself, that is rude, gaudy fake, and wrong. A true preppy girl is nice everyone. So who ever answered this question first you are not a true preppy girl. Preppy girls are usually rude to girls unlike them they arnt nice and itd be a surprise to see a preppy girl who wasnt a bitch they are all usually self centerd and self absorbed
I personally like the preppy look:)
I find mine attractive. I want to have sex with her but I don't know how to tell her.
Classic, preppy, but with a bit of an edge. Cooler than your average "preppy".
Not all guys like the same thing in a girl. Many would find small eyes and full lips attractive but some would not.
if you're a dude and you find dudes attractive, you're gay, if you are a girl and find girls attractive, then you are a dike.
You are only gay if you find people of the same gender sexually attractive. You could even have sex with your friend, and if you did not find him sexually attractive, you would not be gay.
if you're a dude and you find dudes attractive, you're gay, if you are a girl and find girls attractive, then you are a dike.