Your winchester model 770 was made by winchester between 1969-1971.
your 770 is worth about $250..00 to $300.00 hope this helps
Your winchester model 42 was made by winchester in 1959.
100-500 uSd
your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1973.
Your Winchester model 1894 was made by Winchester in 1955.
A change in the breech bolt mechanism.
what is the year of winchester mod 94 sn 3295692
The Winchester model 770 was made from 1969-1971.The value of these Winchester,s is between 200 dollars for a gun with a finish of 60%,to a high of 375 dollars for a fine specimen with 100% original finish.
by the serial number........................
50- 400 usd