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100-400 USD

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Q: What is the value of a Winchester 300 Win Mag model 770?
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Related questions

What is the manufacture date of a winchester model 770 serial number G945139?

Your winchester model 770 was made by winchester between 1969-1971.

What is the value of a 30-06 Winchester Model 770 a single shot rifle?

The 30.06 model 770 is a bolt action repeater with a magazine capacity of 4 and one in the chamber.

When was the Winchester 770 bolt action 308 caliber made and what is the value in excellent condition?

The Winchester model 770 was made from 1969-1971.The value of these Winchester,s is between 200 dollars for a gun with a finish of 60%,to a high of 375 dollars for a fine specimen with 100% original finish.

What is a Model 770 Winchester 243 worth?

your 770 is worth about $250..00 to $300.00 hope this helps

What is the age and value of a Winchester 770 300 Win Mag Serial G931265? has sn tables you can look at. Value depends on condition, which you neglect to describe. Range from 250-450 USD.

Winchester mod 770 junk or what?

Not exactly junk, but, it's not a Model 70

Is the 30-06 Winchester Model 770 a single shot rifle if not how many shells will it hold and what is its value?

It will hold 3+1 in the chamber. Non detachable magazine or floorplate. As far as pricing, $300 to $600 depending on condition and local market.

What is the Value of a Remington 770 300 win mag with a scope serial number M72031826?

What is the Value of a Remington 770 300 win mag with a scope serial number M72031826

How much is a Winchester 30-06 model 770 worth?

50- 400 usd

Where can you find a stock for a model 770 Winchester 30-06?


What is the history of a Winchester model 770?

Economy version of the Model 70 made from 69-72 in .243, .270 and 30/06

What is the value of a john deere 770 tractor?

770 model 5yrs old less than 1000 hrs