Go to this web site for serial numbers and dates for Winchester arms: http://armscollectors.com/sn/winlookup.php?file=winxx52.dat
the Winchester model 52B is a 22 cal target rifle of good quality. value depends on averall condition as well as the model type...........................
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 52B was made in the year 1932.
Best left to a gunsmith.
With the serial number that you have supplied;your Winchester model 52B was made in the year 1939.It was one of 1,828 rifles made that year by Winchester.
your Winchester model 52B in unaltered and 90% condition is valued at 2,250.00.If it is in 80% condition it would be valued at 1,650.00.
The Winchester model 52B was made in 3 different models from 1940-1947.If yours does not say made in japan(reissue of the model 52B in 1993) then I would say by your serial number that it was made somtime between 1945-1946.
I need to ask if this rifle was made by Browning?The 2 letters in the serial number would indicate that this rifle was made in the year 1998,as marked by Browning.Winchester never has used the serial number system that your serial number demonstrates.If this was a Browning made rifle it was probably made by Miroku of Japan and would be so marked on the rifle.
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 52B was made in the year 1941.
Longest distance I have seen shot with a .22 in competition is 200 yards. I was using a Winchester model 52B at the time.
The Stevens model 52b dates to the mod-1930s. Stevens is the same company as Savage, and also sold rifles under the name Springfield (not to be confused with the Springfield Armory military rifle maker) and shotguns under the name Fox. The model 52b was also sold by Montgomery Ward under the Wards house brand "Western Field" as a model 36. To confuse matters, Wards also sold the Mossberg model 10 (very similar to the 52b) as a Western Fields model 36.
the ranger Mod 35 was made by savage mod 52B 1933-1937 E-GunParts.com
the ranger Mod 35 was made by savage mod 52B 1933-1937