With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 52B was made in the year 1932.
With the serial number that you have supplied;your Winchester model 52B was made in the year 1939.It was one of 1,828 rifles made that year by Winchester.
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 52B was made in the year 1941.
your Winchester model 52B in unaltered and 90% condition is valued at 2,250.00.If it is in 80% condition it would be valued at 1,650.00.
the Winchester model 52B is a 22 cal target rifle of good quality. value depends on averall condition as well as the model type...........................
Go to this web site for serial numbers and dates for Winchester arms: http://armscollectors.com/sn/winlookup.php?file=winxx52.dat
Best left to a gunsmith.
Longest distance I have seen shot with a .22 in competition is 200 yards. I was using a Winchester model 52B at the time.
i would like to start with the fact that your Winchester model 52B was 1 of 3,004 rifles made by Winchester in 1946.The model 52B which you have(the B suffix to the serial number) was made in 3 variations.The model 52-B target,The model 52-B heavy barrel which has a heavy barrel,with adj.sling swivel up front and a single shot adapter,and the model 52-B bull gun with extra heavy weight barrel.The prices that I will quote will be based on your rifle having between 60%original finish up to 90%original finish and a good bore.The model 52-B is valued at between 550-900 dollars.The model 52-B heavy barrel is valued at between 700-1,000 dollars,and the model 52-B bull gun is valued at between 650-1,000 dollars.I hope this helps.
I'm not aware of any Model 52 with such a serial number. The first 52s had no letters in the serial; with the 52B they began to include a B, then C for the C model, etc. They are superb rifles. Need more info: is this a sporter rifle (slim stock, checkering) or a match version (heavy plain stock, heavy barrel), what sort of sights, etc. Is it single-shot, or magazine?
1993. This is a Japanese-made reproduction of the original Winchester 52B Sporter, offered as a limited run by USRAC. New-in-box guns are selling for $700-$800, 'mint' used guns a little less. sales@countrygunsmith.net
Double check that serial number, it is not the correct format for a Winchester Model 52. The serial number can be found on the left forward part of the receiver and will be a number up to 125,419 possibly followed by letters A-D. As to value, Model 52 rifles are heavily collected in mint condition. Exact configuration is a must to properly evaluate, since the guns were offered in Sporter, Target, International, with speedlock, etc... All of these variables can mean hundreds of dollars in price difference with rare variations exceeding $5000 at retail. Feel free to email us directly at sales@countrygunsmith.net with digital pictures. === In 1993, US Repeating Arms Company offered a 6000-piece run of reproduction Winchester 52B Sporters, made in Japan. This is one of those rifles. Another 3000-piece run was offered in 1997. Whereas original Model 52B sporters can reach $2000 or more, the Japanese repro sells new-in-box for $700-$800. Still nice shooters, though. sales@countrygunsmith.net