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In the FIRST week? Probably not. However, every woman reacts a little differently to pregnancy, and every pregnancy is different.

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Q: Will your stomach be bloated the first week you get pregnant?
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Can you feel bloated within the first week?

Yes when I was pregnant the first thing I noticed was that I was bloated. I didn't even wait for my period. I took the test 3 days before I was due my period and it came up positive.

When you are one week pregnant can you feel ant thing in you stomach?

when you are one week pregnant can you feel anything in your stomach

Do you get bloated the first week of pregnancy?

Yes, you can!!

At 1 week pregnant can you suck in your stomach?

no if you do your baby will die

Does taking noni cause gas?

I have been taking noni juice for the past 1 week and my stomach have been bloated and gassy

Can your stomach make weird noise a week pregnant?

Yes it can. It gas bubbles in ur stomach..

Your friend is pregnant for about 1 week but accidentally she lost pregnancy that made her bleed for a week after that her stomach starts to bloat but there is no pain what is that?

Some women are often bloated after miscarriage or abortion, but what i am saying now is not a medical fact. It is what i know. Usually after miscarriage a few thing may remain in the uterus, and it is not good. Consult a doctor if you are suspicious of anything.

For the past week you have been feeling tightness and soreness in your stomach?

It Is possibele Iam pregnant

During the first week that your pregnant do you get sharp pains in your stomach?

Not from the pregnancy.If you have sharp pains in your stomach, it is probably gas. If the pains don't go away within a few hours, or are very severe, see a health practitioner.

What are the symptoms visible when one is 38 weeks pregnant?

For almost any pregnant woman the most visible symptom on the 38th week of pregnancy is the grown stomach. By the 38th week of pregnancy most women have quite a big stomach which also can be seen on the way the walk.

Could your belly change at week 5 of pregnancy?

There is no absolute answer. Some women get bloated just before a period and they will get bloated just the same but no period will come because they are pregnant so they stay bloated . Some women don't get bloated at all. I don't, lucky me.

If pregnant do you gain weight in the first week?
