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Q: Can you have symptoms the first week your pregnant?
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What occurs during the first week of pregnancy?

You are not actually pregnant the first 2 weeks and the symptoms starts later. The first week is when conception occur.

What are the symptoms on first week of pregnancy?

For humans, you most likely won't even know you're pregnant.

What are the signs of a weak pregnancy?

At 1 week pregnant, there are no symptoms.

When can a blood-test detect your pregnant the first week of symptoms?

A blood test can pick up HCG seven days after conception.

Do pregnant women have pregnancy symptoms during the first week of being pregnant?

Yes you do, not with every woman though I am 15 and just found out I am pregnant and I'm only 3weeks 1 day and I just started having symptoms but yes it can start at any point in your pregnancy.

Can you have pregnancy symptoms in the first week like just little signs?

Can you have pregnancy symptoms in first week after having sex

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the first week?

Because many symptoms do not begin until weeks 3-8, it is difficult to tell if you are pregnant in the first 2 weeks.Normal symptoms of pregnancy include:nausea- with or without vomitingtender, swollen breastsincreased urinationfatiguefood cravings or dislikesIf you think you are pregnant, you can see your doctor for a pregnancy test or get a home pregnancy test from your local grocery store or pharmacy.

One week pregnant and feeling nausea but no other symptoms is that normal?

Nausea and vomiting are very normal during the first week of pregnancy. Sore breasts/nipples, frequent urination, Dizzy, constipated. All early signs of being pregnant. Of course the ultimate clue you are pregnant is missed period.

Can pregnancy symptoms start a week after intercours?

No, it takes 2 weeks to just get pregnant after the sex.

If pregnant do you gain weight in the first week?


Are there any symptoms of pregnancy in the first week?

No it is far to early to say anything about pregnancy in the first week.

Why breast sore is gone in 2 week pregnant?

It's normal for symptoms to fluctuate during pregnancy.