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It might, but not only because of the scar tissue. Many people just cant heal or keep navel piercings. They are surface piercings so they can be difficult to heal. If its only rejected once, go ahead and give it a try. If its rejected multiple times, you might not be able to keep one so it would be a waste of money :)

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Q: Will your belly button reject the piercing if you repierce scar tissue?
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Will your belly button piercing look bad if you let it heal and repierce it?

There will be more scar tissue than normal, but otherwise no.

Can you repierce a healed lobe piercing?

Usually, yes. Some piercers pierce through scar tissue and others dont. For a lobe piercing, most will though.

Can you get your rook re pierced after it was rejected?

It's not common for a properly done Rook piercing to reject. Due to this piercing being done in deep cartilage, the piercing should not reject (the cartilage won't let it reject). More often that not the problem is the method used to look after the piercing or the solutions used to heal the piercing (generally too much and not properly rinsed out). I would suggest you seek the expert advice of your local professional body piercer. They would need to see what you have going on with the piercing location. If there is enough tissue that isn't damaged they should be able to repierce the area.

Is it bad to repierce your ear?

no, it will just hurt more than the first time because your piercing through scar tissue not flesh

What are the odds of having a successful navel piercing after having 3 navel piercing rejections?

The most obvious predictor are the THREE rejections you've already had. Did you really need to ask? Please. There is a proven fact that if you were to repierce on the scar tissue, it would be less likely to reject. the question is what kind of jewerly are you using? If you want it to less likely reject, then you should use either titanium or gold.

Can your repierce a closed piercing?

It would be better not to do it in the same place - scar tissue is harder to pierce without tearing, and it hurts worse. Try moving the piercing over a little bit.

Can you repierce your belly button if it left a scare?

If it's fully healed over, then yes. The scar tissue will make it a little more difficult, though. But not by much.

How can I close up my 3 year old lip piercing I've heard about people getting stitches?

The best thing to do is get a dermal punch. That will remove the scar tissue and let your skin heal back. Go talk to a piercer about it. You'd want to get it a size larger than what the original piercing was. You don't want to repierce it because piercing only displaces the skin so it wouldn't get rid of the scar tissue.

If my belly button piercing had to be allowed to close and it left scar tissue how bad will it hurt to get it re-pierced?

Probably less than when you got it new!The scar tissue is dead tissue,meaning the nerve endings are no so sensitive as they were when you first did your piercing.

How do you help a migrating belly button piercing?

Take the jewellery out of the piercing and call it a day. The piercing will continue to migrate and will eventually drop the piercing altogether. Removing the jewellery now will allow your body to maintain the tissue and prevent the formation of scar tissue. After a few weeks you could go and talk to your local professional body piercing about having the piercing redone deeper behind the migrating piercing.

Will a piercing scar if you have only had it three months?

As long as there is jewellery in the piercing the piercing will not scar, it will form new tissue that makes up the piercing. If the jewellery is removed before the piercing is allowed to heal completely this tissue will join together and form scar tissue.

Is piercing your belly button easier after you have had it done perfesionaly and then taken it?

All piercing should be professionally done, re piercing anything in the same location will result in increased discomfort due to cutting through the old piercing tissue. When tissue is formed for a piercing it develops the same sensory receptors as normal skin. If the piercing is still opened and it's a case of the jewellery not going all the way through the piercing, see your local professional body piercer and have them use a taper to open the piercing to the right size.