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If it's fully healed over, then yes.

The scar tissue will make it a little more difficult, though.

But not by much.

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Q: Can you repierce your belly button if it left a scare?
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Do you need a belly button to have a baby?

No, you dont. A 'belly button' (umbilicus) is just a mark left from when you was in your mothers womb-conected to the placenta. It has nothing to do with having a baby yourself.

Where to touch a girl to get sex?

The right and left side of the neck or the belly button

Is your belly button a hole in your body?

Yes, the belly button is a scar left behind after the umbilical cord is removed from a baby's abdomen shortly after birth. It is not a hole that goes through the body.

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How do you hold a belly putter?

A belly putter is designed to be anchored into your belly. You place the grip end agsinst your belly button and then simply grip the club however you want, keeping the putter pivoting around your belly button. one grip is the split grip, this is where (for a right hander) you have your left hand at the top, and right hand below it. Then there is left hand low, which is obviously left hand below your right. There is also the interlocking grip which is basically how you hold your irons. (well how the majority do)

Why do people have belly buttons?

A belly button is the mark left by the umbilical cord that transported nutrients and waste between your mother and you.

Does Emma Watson have any scars?

Yes, one on her foot from when she was filming the Bling Ring, and a dancer stepped on her toes with her stiletto. She says she has many, not just from her filming career but from childhood incidents and sports.

Do boys have different belly buttons than girls?

Oh, dude, no way! Belly buttons are like the great equalizer of the human body. Whether you're a boy or a girl, your belly button is just a scar from where your umbilical cord was attached when you were a baby. So, like, boys and girls have the same kind of belly buttons, just different shapes and sizes depending on how they healed.

Does everyone have a belly button?

people have belly buttons because they are funny cool and strange but mainly they are good to poke BELLY BUTTONS ROCK!!!Bellybuttons are the impression left by the umbilical cord of placental mammals.

How much tattos does Justin Bieber?

Justin Bieber has 3 tattoos. One to the left of his belly button. One above that. And another one on his leg.