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Potentially, yes, you will menstruate as someone with two ovaries. Your ovary will still produce eggs and hormones so will have the same effect on your cycle.

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Q: Will you have a period every month when you have only one ovary and fallopian tube?
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What is pain in ovary in the middle of month?

i was told its the egg been released from the fallopian tube

What connects the ovary to he uterus?

the fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus

What is the pathway of an ova through a female reproductive system?

Every month, the Ovaries release a egg which waits to be fertilized by sperm in the oviduct-known as the fallopian tubes. A unfertilized egg just leaves the ovary, out through the Oviduct descending into the Uterus and out through the vagina.

Long tube between the ovary and the uterus?

The long tube between the ovary and the uterus is the fallopian tube. There are usually two fallopian tubes in the female body, one for each ovary.

Why do you get a period every 28 days why not every other month or once every 4 months why every 28 days to a month?

every women who is matured has ovary to produce ovum. This ovum matures and sheds off from ovary for union with sperms it does not unite with sperm then it is removed from female body in every month in the form of menses. this requires 28 days to complete in normal course.

What catches the egg once its realized from the ovary?

The fallopian tube receives the egg from the ovary.

The passageway that channels ova from the ovary into the uterus is known as?

When an egg is released from an ovary (only one side each month), it is directed into the Fallopian Tube on the same side. The Fallopian Tubes (one side each month) is the passage way that eggs travel from the ovaries (one each month) to the uterus.

Period came early one month then period came late the next month then period came early the next month what is going on?

Your ovulation is from one side each month, and each ovary runs on its own cycle. Usually they match and you get your period at the same time each month. This means that if your period is every 30 days, your right ovary drops an ovule (egg) this month. 30 days from now, your left ovary will drop one. 90 days from now your right ovary will activate again and drop an ovule. And so forth. However, if one month you ovulate early, meaning you get your period early a few days, the next month you will ovulate on your original schedule on the opposite side, which means that period will feel late to you, when in reality it is running on its own proper schedule.

Where does the joins the ovary to the uterus?

The fallopian tubes convey an egg from the ovary to the uterus.

An ovum moves from ovary into what?

The Fallopian tube.

Where the ova travel from the ovary?


Where is the ovum fertilized?

Fertilization of the ovum by a sperm cell occurs in the third of the Fallopian tube nearest each ovary. Interesting fact: The fallopian is about the diameter of a pencil. The ovum is about the size of a period on a page.