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Depending on what you eat you could. However you should have a light protein snack after a workout such a protein shake or apple with peanut butter to replenish some nutrients that your body used while you were working out and to help heal the muscles after a workout.

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Q: Will you gain weight if you eat after working out?
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you don't gain weight when you eat very little. you need to exercise and eat little portions of your meal and you will not gain weight, you will gain muscle by working out but not the weight.

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Depends on how many calories you eat

Can you gain muscle mass and weight without working out?

Yes you most definitely will gain weight if you eat protein and not exercise. If you're working out to gain muscle, this tears your muscle fibers and the protein is used to repair the fibers. If you don't work out, the protein is going nowhere except your hips.

When you eat sweets do you gain weight?

Yes you do gain weight.

Does protein help to gain weight even if you don't work out?

Yes protein provides calories. The more calories you eat over how much you burn the faster you gain weight. However if you are not working out that weight is not going to be muscle.

How do i eat but not gain weight'?

dont eat

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To gain weight you child has to eat good food.

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To gain weight you have to eat more.

Is it true that if you eat slow you gain weight?

How fast you eat has negligible effect on weight gain or loss.The important factor is what you eat and how much.

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They exercise, and some don't gain weight.

Is it bad to not eat for 3 days in a row?

yes, if you are trying to lose weight its not working, eating less than 30 calories a day will make you gain weight

How can you gain 10 pounds fast because you are very skinny for your height?

easey. what you do is you eat alot. i tend to eat when i get bored and also when im hungry and i seem to be gaining alot of weight latly that i dont want. im working on loosing it, but to gain weight is simple, just eat and dont think about how fatty the food is just keep eating and sooner or later ull gain alot of weight.