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After Chrono Trigger (SuperNES, Nintendo DS), came Chrono Cross (Play Station), which is in many aspects, a continuation of the Chrono Trigger story, told through the lens of a new character, Serge. The plot starts as a near re-creation of a Japanese choose-your-own-adventure type game, Radical Dreamers. In Chrono Cross, Lavos is gone, but in his place is FATE, and the Time Devourer. Serge doesn't time travel, but rather crosses through two parallel dimensions. The music, like that of Chrono Trigger, is incredible. It's definitely worth a run if you can find a copy and the platform with which to play it.

As for further games, nothing is official, and fans have been hoping and begging for years. However, Square Enix's insistence on vanquishing all attempts at fan-made games give many hope that plans to make a third game might be in the works at some point.

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When did Chrono Trigger happen?

Chrono Trigger happened in 1995.

Is there a second chrono trigger game?

Yes, it is called Chrono Cross for PSX. The main character is Serge, not crono sadly.

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Chrono Trigger was created on 1995-03-11.

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Music of Chrono Trigger was created on 1995-03-25.

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Probably chrono trigger.

Is chrono trigger an anime?

Chrono Trigger is a Super Nintendo game that was released by SquareSoft into the US market in 1994. It's arguably one of the better role playing games of that generation.