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marijuana will not interfere with any medication, i don't smoke it but let me tell you the truth about it...pot is not proven to cure anything but neither is any other drug ever made except antibiotics, it does come loaded with too many benefits and only one thing bad is that its not good for your lungs but its better for you than tobacco and pretty much anything smokable, so good that the fda/ama and/or all the little orgs like that wont legalize it bc it would do much harm at all to you and it does assist the human body with and through almost any medical problem can research it online, even go on YouTube and see videos, there are millions of people changing their lives for the best by using it...I once saw a kid who had to take so many meds til his major organs were shutting down, his mom took him off of them and he was in a vegetable state and she felt she'd have to settle for any treatment to save his life although she was one of those against pot for so long she now had to give it a try bc nothing else worked, well I bet she wishes she'd did it a long time ago, he is now just like a normal child running, learning, talking, etc and all he's on is Mary Jane. It's used for cancer, multiple sclerosis and just tons of diseases with 100% results. Something is only illegal bc the government says it is and our politicians are paid off by makers of medications that kill thousands, if not millions of people yearly and if pot was legal their meds would not sell so they grease palms to keep weed illegal and mega billions in their own pockets. My theory is the govt made it legal, lightweight in a few states, just to scare the drug companies into giving them more $ to keep weed illegal. There sales on other meds dropped in those states since the intro of pot. Its all about money, our greedy govt here in the US, this way the pharmaceutical companies break the govt even more money now to keep pot off the market since they see the devastation it can cost them on sales of other meds and our govt gets the sales tax on all the pot they sell. Straight forward answer, hope it helps!

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Just stop smoking it and avoid being around those who do.

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yes, so stop smoking

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Don't Do It in the First Place.

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Stop smoking marijuana...Simple!!!! Or brush and floss anyway.

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1) Marijuana is Non-addictive 2) Just Stop Smoking it

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it is technically impossible for you to be addicted to marijuana so you stop by -just stopping

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It obviously impairs your spelling and grammar. You really should stop smoking marijuana. It's illegal.

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stop smoking it... erase all your contacts that you buy from... and just say no

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You may become incredibly awesome and losers will stop bothering you.