In the vast majority of cases, No, it will not increase the value. It will in most cases decrease the value.
what is the value of a Winchester carbine 1912 that is 98 years old
The collector value can only be assessed by a visual inspection & evaluation. Old Winchesters are very much like old classic automobiles... the graded condition and factory originality are the key factors in determining what they are truly worth.
How old is a Winchester model 1892 s/n L31711 and what is its approx. value ?
apporx. value
Formula: % increase=[(new value - old value) / old value] x 100% % increase = (149-124) /124 x 100% = 20.16%
Depending on the extent of damage to the stock, it will probably INCREASE the value. Save the old stock with the gun in case some collector wants to put it back on.
How old is the wenchester rifle
Apply the formula of percent increase,which is : new value - old value / old value so, your question is what percent increase is 12 to 18, here 18 is the new value and 12 is the old value, now apply to the formula: percent increase= 18-12 / 12 = 0.5 now to get the percent multiply by 100 , 0.5*100 = 50% So, the percent increase 12 to 18 is 50%.
Like to know how old it is and being in good condition a value.
the new value minus the old value, then divide it by the old value, times 100%, if the value is positive, it's the percentage increase, if it's negative, it's the percentage decrease.
How old and how much in value is a Winchester semi- auto 12 gauge shotgun model 1400 MK II serial number 483251
@ 64 years old. I can't help you with the value. Recommend you take it to an appraiser.