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The collector value can only be assessed by a visual inspection & evaluation. Old Winchesters are very much like old classic automobiles... the graded condition and factory originality are the key factors in determining what they are truly worth.

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Q: What is value of model 1897 Winchester pump 12 Ga shotgun in excellent condition with bluing on barrel and no signs of wear?
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What is the value of an Winchester model 12 12 gauge shotgun serial 744961 good to excellent condition?

A Winchester model 12 pump action shotgun in 70%-80% overall condition and made in the year 1937,will bring between 295-350 dollars.You may add 20%-40% if your shotgun has a solid matte rib barrel,and 50%-60% if your shotgun has a vent rib barrel on it to the above listed price.

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150.00 in excellent condition

What is the value of a Model 12 Winchester shotgun made before 1964?

That would depend on the type of barrel with the shotgun(plain,matte solid rib,or vent rib barrel)if a poly choke is present on the end of the barrel,and what condition the shotgun is in.

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Do you mean you have an extra barrel, or are you calling the tube magazine below the barrel another barrel?

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Depending on condition 300-1000 USD.

What is the value of a j Stevens single barrel 410 shotgun from 1922?

The value of a J Stevens single barrel 410 shotgun from 1922 depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued between 125.00 and 150.00 as of 2014.

What is 4-10 single barrel shotgun worth?

Seldom more than 100 USD in excellent condition.

What is the value of a Winchester 1200 pump?

Between 90-220 dollars,depending on the overall condition of the shotgun,type of barrel(plain,vent rib)and the gauge of the shotgun.

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The value of a Winchester Model 67A boy's rifle with a 20 inch barrel depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued around 100.00 as of 2014.

What is the value of a Savage short barrel 12 gage single trigger shotgun?

The value of a Savage shot barrel 12 gauge single trigger shotgun depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued between 450.00 and 550.00 as of 2014.

What is the value of a 1914 Springfield double barrel shotgun made by J Stevens Company?

The value of a 1914 Springfield double barrel shotgun made by J Stevens depends on its condition. This model in excellent condition is valued between 599.99 and 699.99 as of 2014.