If you take care of your health otherwise, and especially if you lose weight, it will improve to a degree.
If you mean after a night of drinking, yes. If you mean you drink every day in moderation there is no ill effect on the liver.
Quit is one! (quit drinking it)
Nothing recovers your lungs whatever you have or have not quit
Quit drinking
Social drinker or not, if you start drinking the time in which you will quit (if you ever do) varies based on the person.
I have fatty liver and lam not sure what diet l can go on. can you please advise me what diet is best please. NB: A fatty liver is NOT due to eating fatty foods. It is a form of disease, often caused by excess alcohol consumption that has damaged your liver. You will need treatment to control the spread of the disease. Actually there is another type of Fatty Liver. It's called Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and it IS caused by fatty foods. Reduce your fat intake, drink plenty of WATER, get more rest and exercise. My GI doctor recommended the Weight Watchers program for me. Each person is different, so consult your doctor before changing your diet and make sure you get your levels check every 3 to 6 months. This disease can be beat! Hang in there. Check out http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080305/leslie_beck_AM_080405?s_name=&no_ads=
you just quit, unless you an alcoholic then you should go to AA meetings or rehab
simple.....you go to a doc.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is easier with help. See the Related Question.
Think of quitting alcohol then make a sure decision to quit and after that don't drink with a commitment.
If people stop drinking abusively, their health will improve. If moderate drinkers quit drinking, they increase risks to their health and longevity. That's because abstaining is a risk factor for poor health and shorter life.
To stop drinking soda just start drinking something else like water or another type of liquid