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Q: Will an FN Herstal police barrel fit a Winchester 1300 defender 18 shotgun?
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Winchester 1300 Defender for hunting dove with a different barrel?

You can.

Can you tell me anything about a Lovinsior Herstal double barrel shotgun serial number P1K329 Can you give me any information about this weapon?

The Lovinsior Herstal double barrel shotgun, serial number P1K329,Êhas a 2 3/4 inch barrel.Ê It was made between 1952 and 1960.

What Winchester barrel will fit a marlin 120 magnum shotgun?

Try a 1300 barrel

Where can you get a barrel for a Winchester 101 shotgun?

Start with this site

Where is the serial number on a Winchester 1887 shotgun?

Check the receiver and barrel

What is the age of your Winchester model 21 12 gauge double barrel shotgun serial 1324?

"Your" Winchester Model 21 Double Barrel Shotgun was manufactured in 1933, giving it an age of 77 years, as of 2010.

When was the serial number 6951 Winchester double barrel shotgun made?

Please include the model number of your Winchester shotgun to get a correct answer to your question along with the serial number.

What year was manufacturing started on Winchester model 11SL single barrel shotgun?

Your Winchester model 1911SL(self Loading)shotgun was first made in the year 1911.

Will any Winchester 1300 barrel fit a 1300 defender?

Any barrel will fit only if you replace the tube also to a conventional 1300 tube.

What is the value of a Model 12 Winchester shotgun made before 1964?

That would depend on the type of barrel with the shotgun(plain,matte solid rib,or vent rib barrel)if a poly choke is present on the end of the barrel,and what condition the shotgun is in.

What is the most valuable Winchester shotgun?

The Winchester Model 21 Grand American 3-barrel cased set. Bert H.