Yes its does clean your system its depends one how much you smoke me I take one hit of weed here and there and I was taking actived charcol in semi big doses like 15 to 20 pills and I passed
There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that activated charcoal pills can effectively eliminate THC from your system. THC is mainly metabolized by the liver and slowly eliminated from the body over time. Staying hydrated, exercising, and maintaining a healthy diet are more effective ways to help speed up the process of eliminating THC from your system.
No, activated charcoal does not remove THC from the blood. THC is stored in fat cells and can only be metabolized and eliminated from the body over time. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help speed up the process of THC elimination.
It is not recommended to actively try to remove THC from your system while pregnant, as it may cause further harm to the developing fetus. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider for guidance on how to address any concerns about THC use during pregnancy.
Activated charcoal is a porous material with a large surface area that is ideal for stripping undesired compounds from your body. It however can not be used as a masking agent or an instant detox agent, because removal of enough THC to pass a urine style drug test normally takes 4-7 days. (Assuming normal body weight) This supplement is taken after every meal will plenty of water up to 4 times daily. I have found that taking activated charcoal in regular doses before I purge my body helps lower the time to remove all THC. This method has worked for me on numerous occasions. I recommend taking 4 pills with each meal for 5 days with atleast 6-8 glasses of water a day. I have also found that a glass of cranberry juice, which is recommended for kidney and urinary track infections by doctors also aids the process. Also before I take a drug test for a nice job, I go ahead and spend the 12 dollars at the local drug store to buy a home THC test. Happy Smoking!
The best way to remove THC from your system is by giving your body time to naturally metabolize and eliminate it. Staying hydrated, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help speed up this process. There are also detox products and drinks that claim to flush out THC, but their effectiveness is not always guaranteed.
Diurex water pills work by increasing urination to remove excess water and salt from the body. While they may help to flush out fluids, they do not specifically target THC or aid in the detoxification process for drug tests. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate methods to clear THC from your system.
Activated Charcoal is used by emergency services to absorb poisons and overdoses in the Gastrointestinal tract. Since the THC isn't in your stomach, intestines or bowels, the only thing it will do is make you poop black and vomit.
No, activated charcoal does not remove THC from the blood. THC is stored in fat cells and can only be metabolized and eliminated from the body over time. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help speed up the process of THC elimination.
It is not recommended to actively try to remove THC from your system while pregnant, as it may cause further harm to the developing fetus. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider for guidance on how to address any concerns about THC use during pregnancy.
no, search dilution
Activated charcoal is a porous material with a large surface area that is ideal for stripping undesired compounds from your body. It however can not be used as a masking agent or an instant detox agent, because removal of enough THC to pass a urine style drug test normally takes 4-7 days. (Assuming normal body weight) This supplement is taken after every meal will plenty of water up to 4 times daily. I have found that taking activated charcoal in regular doses before I purge my body helps lower the time to remove all THC. This method has worked for me on numerous occasions. I recommend taking 4 pills with each meal for 5 days with atleast 6-8 glasses of water a day. I have also found that a glass of cranberry juice, which is recommended for kidney and urinary track infections by doctors also aids the process. Also before I take a drug test for a nice job, I go ahead and spend the 12 dollars at the local drug store to buy a home THC test. Happy Smoking!
after a single use, THC stays in your system for about 1-6 days. that many pills of anything seems really unhealthy
Saltpeter, charcoal, sulfur. THC
no only detox pills
If you drink lots of water it really helps or you can get detox pills
to get high =]
You can't. Pills may mask the THC, but it's not a 100% guarantee pass.