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For 99.9% of the population, the answer is yes. You will always miss your period when you are pregnant. A very very small percentage of the population experience a bleed around the time their period is due. This can be caused by hormones or implantation bleeding. The flow is very light and only lasts a couple of days instead of around 5 days. There are medical cases recorded where a woman will continue her "normal" period even though she is pregnant. These stories are extremely rare and are more "urban myths" than anything else.

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Q: Will a woman always miss her period if shes pregnant?
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Why does a woman miss her period when she is pregnant?

If pregnancy may be in periods

Do you miss your first period if your pregnant?

Sometimes but not always.

Can a woman get pregnant the day her period goes off?

Yes, you can, so it's important to always use protection unless you're trying to get pregnant. If you miss your next period, take a pregnancy test.

Can a woman be pregnant if you miss your period last month but pregnancy test is negative?

No test is 100% accurate.

Would a woman be pregnant if she had her period for a day?

if you bleed when you are pregnant it doesn't necessarily mean its your period or you have had a miss carriage. a lot of women bleed during pregnancy so you will still be pregnant if it doesn't hurt x

Can you be sick once and always feel sick and be pregnant?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

How do you know if pregnant?

You will know if you are pregnant if you miss your period.

How overweight do you have to be to miss a period?

you have to be pregnant or to have menopause to not have your period

Can women get pregnant on their period?

Yes, so it's important to always use protection unless you're trying to get pregnant, and if you miss your next period you should take a pregnancy testYes

Do you discharge ovulation discharge if pregnant?

if you are pregnant you miss your period

You are 5 weeks pregnant and have very light pink bleeding with light cramping no clots could you be miss carrying?

Most likely not, its very common for woman to spot and have minor cramps when pregnant. If you spot dark it isn't always a miss carry either. Go to the doctor and get checked out if it furthers for a long period of time. But 2 my understanding you will KNOW when you miss carry.

If you have your period a week after sex is it still possible you could be pregnant?

Hi,If you do receive your period and it is due then chances are you are not pregnant. Usually when you are pregnant you miss a period among other symptoms. Keep guard however. Always use protection to avoid unwanted pregnancy.