Depends on the piercer honestly. They all have different rules. Just call them and find out. If they say no, dont pierce it yourself. Lip piercings definitely need to be done by a pro
No you need to go to a professional piercer
Bill Kaulitz got his lip peirced right around the time of their first Japan tour.
omg i got my bottom right lip pierce sat and boy each day that im waking up it is getting big and bigger! im too mad
To get a ring in your lip.
You don't pierce your lip with the ring, you need a specific sized needle, and then you slide the ring in. I'd recommend going to a professional unless you wish to have an infection or pierce it in-correctly.
No, you cannot have a lip-ring and have braces because a lip-ring goes into your mouth, and will catch on the braces. It can also be unhygenic. hope this helps :)
you don't. go see a professional. and it will still swell some.
Yes it does. You want the jewelry to rest comfortably in the mouth with minimal contact with the gums/teeth. A professional shouldn't have a problem with picking the right placement.
NEVER PIERCE YOURSELF UNLESS YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL. Considering that you're asking this question, you definitely aren't a pro. Lip piercings can be tricky to pierce in the right place. Your piercer has to look at you lip/teeth/gums to choose the right place to pierce so that it'll sit right and not rub on your gums/teeth. If you do it yourself, you risk infection, nasty scarring, disease contraction and gum or tooth erosion down the road. Which is irreversible. Just save up, and go to a legitimate professional.