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Q: Can you pierce your lip with a retainer?
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Can you pierce your lip with a clear lipring?

If you ask your piercer, they should be able to put a clear glass retainer in instead of a ring or metal stud.

How do you hide a lip piercing if i just pierce it yesterday?

If it is absolutely necessary go to your piercer and ask about a glass retainer. You really shouldn't change it and it will still be visible with a glass retainer. The swelling may be obvious too.

What does it means when you have your lip pierce?

To get a ring in your lip.

Can you pierce your lip in your sleep?


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Is there a good way to hide a lip piercing without using a retainer?

u could tuck your lip in your mouth

Can you pierce the bottom lip?

yes yes

Where on the upper lip shall you pierce?

get a monroe

Can you pierce your own navel with a navel retainer?

If your name is Chuck Norris, then yes.

Who will pierce a 16year olds lip with a parent there?


Why do people pierce their lip?

Because it looks hot.

When piercing your own lip should you pierce it inside out or outside in?

Don't do it yourself. Go to a person who knows how. This is not something you want to do wrong because it could ruin your lip for the rest of your life. But if you were to pierce it yourself pierce it from the outside going in.