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It will. On YouTube, doing a search of "Glock firing underwater" will show you a video of this. It is NOT recommended practice, and doing such imposes the risk of serious damage to the firearm, as well as serious injury to the firer.

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Q: Will a gun fire under water?
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Can a gun be fired under water?

Yes a gun can be fired under water. You can look it up on youtube the're plenty of videos showing it.

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You don't need a gun license if you are 25 but if your under 25 you do need a gun license

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Under norml circumstances, nothing different than what happens when you fire it any other time.

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no you will mess your gun up if you shoot it under water and the c02 is not cold enough

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WITH THE PERMISSION OF YOUR PARENTS, and under the instruction of an adult, at any age.

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Grace Under Fire - 1993 Quentin Gets His Gun 4-21 was released on: USA: 26 March 1997 Germany: 20 January 1998

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you go in water with the water gun and in the left bottom corner there is a little drip of water click on it and you person will dunk under water and fill up the gun. hope it works.

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No you can not be in a home, business , or vehicle with a fire ARM and under new federal law a muzzle loader is a fire ARM

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