It is doubtful that a woman could swallow enough to make much of a difference.
of course NOT:)))))
No, but it could give you an STD.
There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that swallowing semen can make a woman gain weight. Semen is composed of water, protein, sugar, and trace amounts of other nutrients, but the amount ingested during oral sex is minimal and not significant enough to cause weight gain. Weight gain is determined by overall caloric intake and expenditure, not by swallowing semen.
Depends on how much jizz she swallows. She'd have to be swallowing a few litres a day to put weight on from it LOL!
Swallowing air doesn't make you gain weight, but it does cause bloating. Bloating can make you look like you have gained a little bit of weight, until it stops.
A female river otter would eat food to gain weight
She will gain weight and get swollen teats.
You don't go to the lbs. The lbs come to you.
Generally at the age of 51, female will gain some unwanted weight. 56 to 60kg (125-132 pounds) of weight is recommended to 51 years female with 5’5 height.
Because they instinctively no longer have to work to find a mate.
Why I'd say you eat food, Mr. Watson
If you are a female you may have a condition called PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian syndrome) as weight gain and acne are two of the symptoms associated with it. You should see your Doctor.