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Yes. Eating Ajax is a bad idea.

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Q: Will Eating Ajax cleanser harm you?
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What product is advertised as stronger than dirt?

Ajax cleanser then again for Ajax laundry detergent

What is Cleanser with motto 'stronger than dirt'?


Why do people love to smell comet or Ajax cleanser?

If a person is craving Comet or Ajax cleanser in any sense, he or she might have pica disorder and should see a doctor immediately.

A sink cleanser was named for which Greek hero?

Ajax (there were two Ajaxes)

Is Ajax the the cleanser powder corrosive?

Ajax cleanser powder contains ingredients that can be corrosive if not used properly. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe handling and use, such as wearing gloves and ensuring proper ventilation.

Will eating comet cleanser harm babies?

Yes, eating Comet cleanser can harm babies due to its toxic ingredients like bleach and abrasive chemicals. Ingestion can cause serious health effects such as irritation, burns, and poisoning. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if a baby ingests any cleaning product.

Why would anyone name a cleanser Ajax?

Ajax cleanser (or Ajax brand cleanser with bleach) is a powdered household and industrial cleaner introduced by Colgate-Palmolive in 1947. Its slogan was "Stronger than dirt!", a reference to the mythical character Ajax. The slogan would be used again for its Ajax Laundry Detergent, when introduced in the early-1960s, with an armed knight riding a white horse. In addition, a widely mocked commercial in the late-1970s/early-1980s declared, "Armed...with Ajax!" In the UK character actress Ann Lancaster appeared on the "It cleans like a white tornado" television advertisements.

Why is the soap named after Ajax?

The soap brand "Ajax" is named after the Greek mythological hero Ajax, known for his strength and effectiveness in battle. The name is meant to convey the idea of powerful cleaning and getting rid of dirt easily.

What is a popular household cleanser named after a Greek warrior?

Ajax was a famous warrior at the siege of Troy.

What were some Greek allusions?

Ajax - Greek warrior in the Trojan War, who "cleaned up" in battle; popular household cleanser.

What do you call eating comet cleanser is there a medical term for it?

Pica is the medical term for eating non-food items.

Why do people eat comet the cleanser?

What if you put a whole lot of comet and your mouth and t chew it up and then spit it out is that bad ?