What if you put a whole lot of comet and your mouth and t chew it up and then spit it out is that bad ?
At the moment it makes the person feel like nothing else matters in the world. Comet or ajax is a powder that, yes, should be used for the purposes of cleaning, but some have a curiosity of what it tastes like, so they try it. Some people struggle with living and think the cleanser is the best solution, hoping that it can kill them softly, but Comet cleanser is not the remedy. Instead you will just continue to make a habit out of eating it. Theres no reason to do it.
=The reindeer who's name is also the name of a kitchen cleanser is COMET=
If a person is craving Comet or Ajax cleanser in any sense, he or she might have pica disorder and should see a doctor immediately.
Comet cleanser is not considered organic. It is a powdered household cleaner that contains chemicals such as abrasives, bleach, and other cleaning agents.
yes it is
i am so addicted to eating comet its rediculous i crave it eveytime i think to hard but once i started to get i started eating baking soda the texture isn like comet that helps me out!
Comet Cleanser- Pica Yes.Eating Comet Cleanser is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! If you eat Comet Cleanser you will need to read the label on the back of the bottle to call poison control right away. They can tell you what you need to do for immediate first aid, and if you need to go to the hospital or not.The desire to eat comet cleanser:Eating Comet cleanser, and other non- food items is associated with a disorder called Pica. This is a medical condition where a person has a strong appetite for non-nutritive substances.It is believed this comes from a vitamin/mineral deficiency in the body (iron is the most infamous). Most often the disorder is treated by supplements, to fix the deficiency, and mental counseling.Items that are ingested, by people who suffer from Pica, most often include:metal -coins/toysclay/soil/dirtcoal/ashesfeceschalkpapersoap/cleaning products/paintpebbles/stonesand other items that can be considered 'food ingredients' but not actually edible on its own:mucusgumsalticeraw potatos/uncooked rice/raw grainsPica is EXTREMELY dangerous.Eating painted plaster containing lead causes brain damage.Eating dirt/pebbles can cause intestinal problems, bacterial infections, worms.Eating chemical cleaners can cause toxic poisoning.Click on the 'Discuss Question' below to read or add to contributors' personal experiences with Pica and the desire to eat Comet Cleanser.
comet cleanser
It can be toxic to anyone to include dogs if ingested.
Pica is the medical term for eating non-food items.