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It depends on how old you are, if you are a teenager then your testostarome levels will be very high, if you dont know what this meens well basically it means that when you are a teenager you have something called hormones and a certain type of one of these will be very high, which is normal and it kinda enhances your sex drive as high as mens is already. This is also similar for women exept a different hormone and is usually not as high of a sex drive. Although if you are not a teenager then I guess your just horny =P

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11mo ago

The urge for sex is a natural and normal part of being human, driven by biological and psychological factors. Hormones like testosterone and estrogen, as well as emotional and social needs, can play a role in shaping sexual desire. It is a complex and individual experience that varies from person to person.

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Q: Why you always have the urge for sex?
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Samuel Adams was influenced by his urge to have sex

What is sex and when does it happen?

Sex is the hormones starting and the urge to do it with someone, such as your partner, and trying to have babies or for the addiction or for just the pleasure. Sex happens when you want to do IT with someone and you are mature enough.

Why do i always want to have sexual intersourse?

It's called having an's perfectly normal...humans naturally have the urge to touch...but If you think that it is in fact a problem...then you can see some sort of sex counselor

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The urge is all in the mind. The potency is largely in the mind too. But healthy exercise and diet has some effect on this.

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well they will feel the urge to have sex wich is where you get nude and rub your bodies together.anyway they will have a baby!

What is the maximum age for sex?

There is none ! sex can be performed at any age over the age of consent. It all depends on whether or not the person still feels the urge.

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There is no maximum age to enjoy sex. As long as 2 people don't have too many physical limitations, they can enjoy sex.

Have animals sexual urge after getting pregnant?

No they don't. Animals arn't like humans. After they have sex and get pregnant and all.

How do you role play because my boyfriend is interested in trying a scenario where he is asleep and I have the urge for sex?

What your boyfriend is asking you to do is called 'foreplay' and since it is generally males that always want to have sex he would like to experience you waking him (even though he may not be asleep) and taking control of foreplay and having sexual relations together.

If a girl goes without sex can her testosterone level increase?

Yes, testrosterone level is directly related to libido or sex drive. It is present in women as well as men. As abstinance to sex grows longer, the urge to have sex (or the testosterone level rises).

Why do men put their penises in a girl?

That is how they have sex, and that is how babies are made. Men produce sperm cells and women produce egg cells, and when the two cells join together, pregnancy results. Most men have this urge to want to have sex with women since sex is how new people are created. If nobody had sex, our species would become extinct. So nature gives most adults an appetite/desire for sex. If there were no urge to do it and it weren't fun, then people would neglect to do it.

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Some kids always misbehave at school because they can't resist the urge to be naughty