There is none ! sex can be performed at any age over the age of consent. It all depends on whether or not the person still feels the urge.
There is no maximum age to enjoy sex. As long as 2 people don't have too many physical limitations, they can enjoy sex.
There is no "maximum" age.
age does no matter when it comes to dating but when it comes to sex if i rember right the maximum age difference while under 18 is three
There is no maximum age
In PA the age of consent is 16. But i havent been home in a long time but that's what it was in 2005
There is no maximum age for voting in Australia.
Maximum of one age.
It depends on the health of the person involved> Iam 62 and sofar so good.
There is no maximum.
Exactly 120 years old. Don't EVER break this rule or you'll die soon after.
that means your homosexual.
There is no maximum age of a state governor of India but the minimum age is 25.