he promises the last spirit that he will change and in doing so keep Christmas in his heart for ever after
Scrooge tells the last spirit that he is willing to embrace the spirit's lessons and change his ways. He vows to honor Christmas in his heart and keep it alive all year round.
The first Spirit (The Ghost Of Christmas Past) as foretold by Marley was there to show Scrooge his own past. This brought out many difficult situations that he suffered as a child and young man, most of which made him in to the person he was to to
To change and keep Christmas in his heart forever more
There were four spirits that visited Scrooge that night: the Spirit of his dead partner Marley; the Spirit of Christmas Past, who "took" Scrooge back in time to Christmases--both good and bad--when Scrooge was younger; the Spirit of Christmas Present, who "took" him to his nephew Fred's home and the Crachit's home, to show him how joyously they were enjoying the season, in spite of being poor; and the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come, who "took" him into the future to scenes relating to Scrooge's own death. Scrooge convinced the last Spirit to leave by promising it he would change.The two spirits under the robe of the Ghost of Christmas Present were Ignorance and Want.
The three ghosts in "A Christmas Carol" are the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. They each play a role in helping Scrooge confront his past, understand the joy of the present, and see the potential consequences of his actions in the future in order to inspire him to change for the better.
The last ghost does not accuse Scrooge of any deed. he, the Ghost brings a vison of what me be. This vison shows a the grave of Scrooge that very Christmas
Ignorance and Want are two children hidden beneath the robes of the Spirit of Christmas Present. At the very end of the Spirit's visit, Scrooge notices two "claws" protruding from underneath. The Spirit parts his robes to reveal the boy and girl, both of whom are in an awful condition. When Scrooge asks to whom they belong, the Spirit answers, "They are Man's." It is, however, the boy that the Spirit especially warns Scrooge against. Ignorance must be erased, the Spirit seems to say, or he spells doom for the race. When Scrooge asks if there is no refuge or resource for the children, the Spirit turns Scrooge's own words against him. "Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?" These are the last words Scrooge hears from this visitor.
The Grave Yard
The grave Yard
Ebenezer Scrooge is actually the UNCLE of Frank. Scrooge Gave Frank nothing, scrooge hated christmas and when he would hear merry chrismas he would say, " BAH HUMBUG! " Thats a sign of that he doesn't like the holiday until three spirits appear one fter another, one ghost is the ghost of christmas past and that ghost is the partner that was with scrooge, the second ghost or spirit is the ghost of christmas Present, and the last BUT not least, the ghost of christmas future, now this spirit tell you whats going to happen in the CHRISTMAS future and it showed scrooge that hes going to die on christmas if he doesn't love/like christmas, so when scrooge woke up from his Night mare nap, he started to be nice to everyone on christmas day. and the end.
The third ghost that came to visit Ebenezer Scrooge in a Christmas Carol was the Ghost of Christmas Present, if you include Marley's ghost, but if you do not include Marley, then the third (and therefore last) ghost was that of the Christmas Yet to Come, a spectral ghost whose most terrifying feature was that of his muted voice.