To change and keep Christmas in his heart forever more
The he will change and keep Christmas in his heart evermore
Scrooge promises the spirit that he will honor Christmas in his heart and try to keep it all year round if his name can be removed from the headstone.
The spirit shows Scrooge his own headstone in the book.
The answer is the spirit of the future
The Spirit of Christmas Present.
second spirit show scrooge tht bein lonely is not good at all...... by: rodrigo moreira
He was scared and unwilling to accompany the spirit. Scrooge's attitude is one of terror when the spirit asks him to take his hand and take off into the sky.
ask scrooge mcduck
The second spirit to visit scrooge in A Christmas Carol is the Ghost of Christmas Present. The ghost takes Scrooge to both his nephew and employee's home in the present time. He also appears with two spirit children, Ignorance and Want.
Scrooge tells the last spirit that he is willing to embrace the spirit's lessons and change his ways. He vows to honor Christmas in his heart and keep it alive all year round.
Scrooge couldn't hide the light on the spirit's head because it represented the spirit's purity and goodness, which could not be concealed or extinguished. The light symbolized the spirit's divine nature and its purpose to bring enlightenment and transformation to Scrooge.