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Because your just ruining body parts and systems that are in your body.ESPECIALLY YOR BRAIN!And also your just putting smoke in your body and litterly killing yourself.So your kind of like suisiding yourself so call 311 and quit smoking.I here some people smoke and live but it will happen soon.Smoking can PROBABLY lead to stroke and hearattacks. So do yourself a favor and call 311 to stop smoking.

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15y ago
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11y ago

A person should stop smoking now because smoking shortens the days of a person's life and by quitting, a person can be in better health and live a longer life. Stopping smoking helps promote better health.

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12y ago

because it is bad for you and your health.

and you can get lung cancer and heart cancer.

and your breath will die

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12y ago

becouse the honest anwser is its bad for you

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14y ago

it is a bad thing habit to start. do not it.......

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Q: Why should one stop smoking now?
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Where could one go to get help to stop smoking?

There are many options one has to stop smoking. One can seek advice from their medical doctor. They are able to prescribe stop smoking aids such as Champix which one could take. One could also try hypnosis as well as acupuncture to stop smoking.

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What are some of the stop smoking programs available?

There are several stop smoking programs available. One should contact their local doctor to find the best for them. Try nicotine patches, for example, as a method.

what does the ways to quit smoking?

Smoking is a formed habit and it will take time to stop however, you have to be willing and wanting to stop smoking before any of the treatments that are available will work. Cutting back daily is one of the best ways to halt smoking as it will allow you to at a slower pace stop without overwhelming yourself with the cravings.

Can you die for smoking one time?

no, but smoking one cigarette will probably lead to two, and then you never know where it will stop. DO NOT SMOKE

How do you stop my mom smoking?

there are two ways. one way is to clean up her blood and another is start smoking your self and tell her that you will stop when she stops.

How can I convince my parents to stop smoking?

One should tell one's parents that you love them and are thinking of their best interest, that you want them around and healthy for as long as possible.

Why should there be more taxes on cigarettes?

To get smokers to stop smoking. And they deserve it. (Except for one person I know). <3 CoPz LoVeR <3

Where can one find gum that helps to stop smoking?

Quit Smoking Support offers individuals help in quitting smoking for free including sending gum or patches. Stop smoking gum can also be purchased at retailers that include a drug store.

Where can one seek help to stop them from chain smoking?

You can contact a variety of stop smoking hotlines located in every state in the United States. You can also contact a local help group that provides those seeking to stop smoking with the encouragement needed to do so.

How could one find motivation to stop smoking?

One way to get motivated to stop smoking is to look at the health hazards. Look up information about the damage tobacco can cause. Check out the diseases that are linked to smoking and which can kill people. There are powerful ads on TV about smoking that would motivate a person to quit.

Where can one find information on how to stop smoking?

The best place to look for stop smoking information would be at your doctors. Another place to look would be at the Heart and Lung association. They will give you everything you need to know about non-smoking.