not all santa claus for Christmas is traditions some people take Christmas in the church repecting and having a celebration when Jesus was born because that is what it is all about not the presents not santa the day jesus was born.
Santa Claus and/or Jesus Christ
no that's Jesus
Because that is when Christmas is.
a Santa Claus act or the story of Jesus
Santa Claus is Father Christmas he distributes the presents and is the one that puts the thought into Christmas. Jesus is the one that puts the religious thoughts in Christmas
Originally, it was a date that was symbolizing the birthdate of Jesus Christ. And as time went by, Santa Claus appeared, and people started sharing gifts, having a big christmas feast and decorating trees and houses.
Christmas is a Christian holiday that marks the birth of Jesus Christ. Santa Claus is a nickname for "Saint Nicholas", so that makes him a Christian saint. If his legendary generosity helps children remember and follow the selflessness in the story of Jesus, then he is a positive addition to Christmas. If he replaces the Christmas story, then he takes away. You decide.
Santa Claus kneels before the Infant Jesus is one of the most iconic Christmas images. The kneeling Santa is taken from a passage in the Sacred Scripture.
That is their belief that Jesus brings the presents and good luck.
In Italy, there are a number of people who bring toys:Babbo Natale ("Father Christmas")Gesù bambino ("Baby Jesus")La BefanaSaint NicholasSaint Lucy
yes! Ukraine people put a tree for Christmas answer by Noor-ul-ain Rashid