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Recommend that you access the free owners manual for the B2000 on line. This manual helps troubleshoot problems. Your manual is at the link below.

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Q: Why my Browning 2000 doesn't eject 3 buckshot with 3 barrel?
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Give it a thorough cleaning.

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You need to see a gunsmith

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You need to see a gunsmith.

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You have a problem that needs the attention of a gunsmith. Browning's web site can point you in the right direction.

What is a magazine cut off switch on a browning a500?

From Browning's website - "allowing the shooter to retain shells in the magazine and eject a shell from the chamber without feeding from the magazine."

Can you send a Browning 22 rifle to Browning for repair if it will not eject spent shells?

Certainly. Or, you can use a competent independent gunsmith - sounds like an easy fix.

Is the browning semi auto 22 good for left handed shooters?

Yes, it has a straight down bottom eject.

Why doesnt your browning auto 5 eject and reload after firing?

It sounds to me that a very good cleaning is in order.I would start with the gas system,to include the gas piston.the carbon biuld up is probably the culprit and your shotgun has never been taken apart and cleaned properly.

How do you eject a stuck CD after it says if you stop burning your CD now it will be uselesson mac OS x?

if it doesnt eject when u hit eject on the CD drive u might have to take the drive apart or exit the burnig program and restart it and it migh eject the CD automaticallyAnswerCould you try holding down the mouse while starting up the computer? That worked for me a couple of times when a CD would not eject.

Why would a-bolt browning .300 mag hard to eject or extract spent shells with all brands of ammo?

Try a thorough cleaning. If it still does it, send it back to Browning with a complete detailed description of all issues.

Can an old Browning A5 made to eject paper cartridges be upgraded for modern ammo?

Also, there are no serial numbers on this shotgun but there are a series of dates, 1900, 19001 and it says Browning patents - manufactured at Remington arms - How can I date this gun?

How do you get khan centurion shotgun to eject shells properly?

The Turkish Khan Centurion Shotgun is not designed to eject fired shells, but only extract them. The Turks are a thrifty people and many reload their own shotsells. I have lived among the Turks and gone hunting with them, in particular Wild Boar hunting. The Turkish country people hunt the Wild Boar with their own reloads of buckshot, because the Turkish Government frowns on the sale of buckshot shells or rifle cartridges. The people melt down bird shot and cast buckshot, which they reload. They would not think of eating a pig, ( domuz in Turkish ) but hunt them because of crop damage. A shotgun which ejects and throws the fired hulls all over the place is considered undesirable by the Turks. --- Joe Boyd ---