Usually, the voicemail number is when you press the number1 and I do not know why, but that is just how it works.
If a cell phone has call waiting then it will ring for a few times and then go to voicemail, sometimes there will be a busy signal, other times it will take you straight to voicemail. It just depends on if the cell phone has call waiting and how busy their number is. If there are more than one person trying to call a number at the same time you will most likely get a busy signal. If a cell phone is turned off or dead it will go straight to voicemail until it gets turned back. The cell phone will have no record of the phone call in their phone log unless a voicemail was left.
you call your cell phone number on your house phone and then when you get to your voicemail then press # if that doesnt work press # and * and then it will say put in ya password and you will be able to check your voice mail on your phone.
how do I transfer music from my mp3 to a cell phone voicemail?
AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon offer free voicemail services when you sign up for their products. Usually it is the smaller companies that charge for the voice message service. Sprint offers many cell phone plans that include voicemail for free. You can also get text, web, and other options added for additional cost. Also, AT&T and NexTel have plans with voicemail. Most cell phone plans have voicemail at the least.
Are you asking which is correct? Both are because the questions are asking 2 different things. You can either have his cell phone, or his cell phone number.
When I had this problem on my phone I found out that it meant there was a new voicemail.
Answerit would forward to the voice mail.Call forwarding service activated on someone's cell/phone number will send it either to the voicemail (if it's configured) or simply will sound busy.
time voicemail email date texts
No. Voicemail is part of the phone system at the cell phone company, it is not part of the cell phone.
Go on the cell phone and put in the "messaging" then go to options and say delete this voicemail it should do it so ya!
Voicemail is great for leaving messages when you can't get to a live person. Your provider of landline or cell phone services (like Qwest or Verizon) will have options and pricing on voicemail for you to consider.
It means the person is unavailable. HA! Most likely the phone is in an area which can get n service and the person has not set up voicemail or does not have voicemail on the phone.