you call your cell phone number on your house phone and then when you get to your voicemail then press # if that doesnt work press # and * and then it will say put in ya password and you will be able to check your voice mail on your phone.
Check Wikipedia and read about their Voicemail article.
How do you listen to saved messages on your voicr mail on home phone?
E-mail and voicemail
How do you reset your voicemail passcode on Sprint phone
There are some features of 02 voicemail. One feature is that you can listen to any messages that were left on one's answering machine. This is one feature of 02 voicemail.
You have to first have a voicemail service. This comes with most phone companies.
From your phone you should see an icon that says you have a voicemail. On most phones you should just be able to have your phone go to voicemail, and it will allow you to hear any messages you have.
Check Wikipedia and read about their Voicemail article.
Voicemail is great for leaving messages when you can't get to a live person. Your provider of landline or cell phone services (like Qwest or Verizon) will have options and pricing on voicemail for you to consider.
Voicemail, email messages, instant messages, data on handheld devices
Ringless voicemail drops are messages sent to a list of cell phones bypassing the ringing of the cell phone and send directly to the cell phones voicemail. If someone sent a ringless voicemail to your cell phone would never ring and you would just see a notification that you have a voicemail waiting for you. Your business can contact Atlas Voicecom at for a demo on how it works.
No. Voicemail is part of the phone system at the cell phone company, it is not part of the cell phone.
It is possible that police will leave a voicemail on your phone.
Call your cell phone from the landline. When it diverts to voicemail, press the # key on your landline and follow the simple instructions
A voicemail system stores and manages audio messages left by callers when the recipient cannot answer the phone. The system records incoming messages, stores them in a digital format, and notifies the recipient of new messages. Users can then access their voicemail box, listen to messages, and choose to delete, save, or respond to them.
It depends... Often you can dial the phone number of the phone owning the voicemail box. When it goes to voicemail, press *. That will usually prompt you for the PIN code to access the mailbox.Some systems will let you dial the voicemail external number. To find that, look in the messaging menu of the phone that owns the account, or in the call history. If that works, you'll probably need to enter * followed by the number of the phone. And then the PIN.