There are several reasons, but probably the main reason is, many religious sects believe that homosexuality is a sin and/or a perversion and therefore two homosexual people who want to get married are trying to get special privileges based on a sinful lifestyle.
Yes, in political terms, same-sex marriage is classified as a social issue, as is abortion. It is not primarily an economic issue, a health issue, an education issue, a national security issue, or a foreign policy issue.
Same-sex marriage was not an issue in colonial America. At that time, it was assumed that marriage is between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriage is actually a fairly recent issue.
In the United States, the states have always regulated eligibility and validity of marriage. Only once before, in the issue of interracial marriage, did the federal government overrule states rights in this regard.
You have it executed by the officiant, the parties and their witnesses. It is then returned to the courthouse and they will issue a Certificate of Marriage.
Doctors have never gotten together to issue a statement for or against any type of marriage.
each state decides weather to legalize it or not
It is not. The issue is left up to the individual states.
A lot of different religions do not believe in gay marriage or support gay people overall.
Same-sex marriage became an issue in the United States on May 18, 1970, when two men from Minnesota applied for a marriage license and were denied. They took their case to the Minnesota Supreme Court in 1971 and the the US Supreme Court in 1972.
gay marriage
No, you do not have to apply in the county where you live. You have to apply in the county in which the marriage will take place.
If the child is underage, a marriage license should not have been issue without both signatures.