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Yes, in political terms, same-sex marriage is classified as a social issue, as is abortion. It is not primarily an economic issue, a health issue, an education issue, a national security issue, or a foreign policy issue.

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Q: Is same-sex marriage a social issue?
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A social issue is a problem that affects many individuals or communities within society, often stemming from inequalities, injustices, or discrepancies in power dynamics. Social issues can include poverty, discrimination, inequality, environmental degradation, and access to healthcare, among others. Addressing social issues typically requires collective action and advocacy to bring about positive change.

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Same-sex marriage was not an issue in colonial America. At that time, it was assumed that marriage is between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriage is actually a fairly recent issue.

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Marriage laws determine who is eligible to marry, which can affect same-sex couples, age requirements, and restrictions on marrying multiple partners. Tax policies often provide incentives or penalties for married couples, affecting their financial situation based on their marital status. Social welfare programs may give benefits or support to married couples, potentially impacting their eligibility for assistance or resources based on their marital status.

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Why is the issue of same-sex marriage left up to the states?

In the United States, the states have always regulated eligibility and validity of marriage. Only once before, in the issue of interracial marriage, did the federal government overrule states rights in this regard.

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It is a social issue, as poverty is something that is created by society.