Not sure. But i hope so cuz im a huge fan from Bahrain ;)Not sure. But i hope so cuz im a huge fan from Bahrain ;)
Genetics your moms stomach could be hairy so she passed that trait to you so that's why your stomach could be really hairy.
Evidently it can't be. A period is when the female bleeding from the uterus. It natrually happens. If it's a stomach ache then your getting to the point where you'are about to have your period.
I guess after eating so much after a while your stomach stretches and you're able to eat more. The guys pretty big so he probably has a huge stomach
I'm the same way, never started my period, im a virgin, don't masturbate. So I'm thinking im either starting and it's really light or I am close to it... But i don't have any symptoms of starting but my stomach hurt this morning so I don't know...
Yes... so can being pregnant though.
i started when i was nine so it is possible
Get tested. I believe it is possible, so just get tested.
no he dosn't (im a huge fan so i know EVERYTHING bout' him)
Meat is very nutritious and so takes up less room in the stomach of a carnivore. By contrast, the huge volume of low nutritious herbage eaten by ruminants need a bigger stomach, or more than one stomach as in cattle.
Not at all if you are male and not particularly so if you are female.
The stomach aches could be a sign of period pains but you could have these for quite a while so don't worry, the fact you have grown taller isn't a sign that you could start, just wait and see what happens because nobody can tell weather you will start yet or not.