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I'm not really sure what you're asking. Menarche, or a girl's first period/first menstrual cycle, can only occur during puberty, is a part of puberty, and by definition is generally considered to be one of or the LAST change the occurs in puberty for girls. Other changes such as growth spurts, changes in breast tissue that progresses to the development of breasts, hair growth in new places (e.g. underarms, pubic hair), and all the changes that are occurring in less obvious ways (changes in the brain, hormone levels, etc) all usually happen prior to or at least start before menarche (in normal, healthy girls). If you are really asking perhaps "why it is considered the culmination of puberty in girls", then the above is your answer (it happens last, or close to last). But if you did indeed mean the question exactly as written, I suppose the real answer is "It's not an indication of puberty for girls." It would simply be a definition, I suppose - menarche merely means a girl, who is currently going through puberty, has experienced another change that happens during that time. So many other changes will happen first, like I explained above, so menarche is not used as an "indication" as far as I know. It's kind of like asking "why is gaining 10 pounds an indication of increasing weight?" Menarche is simply a part of puberty, just like gaining 10 pounds is a part of increasing weight.

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Q: Why is menarche an indication of puberty for girls?
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Breast development and menarche aren't directly connected. Both of these things are part of puberty and everyone develops differently so some girls may see breast buds before menarche and some won't see them until after menarche.

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The term menarche means beginning of menstruation in girls. The usual age of this is 12 years.

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Firstly, no one has to start shaving - shaving is a personal choice and not a requirement. Everyone develops differently, some girls will start developing breasts before menarche and some not until after menarche, so all breast growth and body hair shows is that you've entered puberty. Typically menarche will occur within four years of starting puberty.

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Well, the menstruation starts at the age of 12-13 in girls. The term for onset of menstruation is menarche .

Can girls have a growth spurt at the start of menarche?

Yes, it is completely possible for a girl to have a growth spurt after her first period. The idea that menarche (first period) marks some stop in development is false, menarche is one of many changes that occur during puberty. Puberty continues until adulthood, menarche on average starts at 13 years old whereas puberty tends to end around the age of 18 years old, so a girl may see a growth spurt later in their teens long after they've started to menstruate.

Is it true when you hit puberty you're the same age as your mom was?

The age when a woman's mother had her menarche (first period) is indicative of when she will have her menarche, but it is not exact.