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Breast development and menarche aren't directly connected. Both of these things are part of puberty and everyone develops differently so some girls may see breast buds before menarche and some won't see them until after menarche.

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Q: How long will your period come after breast buds?
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I have had three children and the period after birth lasted around 3 weeks. If you breast feed your baby you will probably not have another period after this one until you stop breast feeding.

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By definition, long period comets come from within the gravitational pull of this solar system; when they leave the solar system, they are no longer considered to have a period.

If the girl is releasing her egg is her period coming?

As long as the egg does not get fertilized it will come.

How many days after your period end will it come back?

We don't know how long your period lasted. If you have a period every 28 days, your next period will start two days earlier than the one you just had. If you had a period on the 12th, your next one will come on the 10th.