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You could lose a lot of blood, which is never good... Especially if you have a heavy flow... You should probably see a doctor or something...

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Q: Why is it bad to have your period for more that one week?
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How bad is it to have unprotected sex a week after you are done with your period?

one week after you have stopped your period you are ovulating most likely to get pregnant. Not bad at all. That's the way babies come into the world.

What day of the week are there the most of?

There are always one day of each week every week. In a certain time period there may be one more of certain days than others, however without knowing the start and end of the period I cannot know which days there will be most of

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If you don't get your period on week four, chances are good that you're pregnant.

What is a womans period?

A woman's period is what happens when a females uterus has one or occasionally two eggs that is not fertilized by a male in a certain amount of time. The egg must come out, so the egg comes out with a bit of blood. How you get it fertilized by a male is through sex.

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If you get your period you aren't pregnant.

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it means that your period just left and it coming back again to get you