Well my tongue isn't half numb, however if your tongue is half numb I would suggest you direct your question to a specialist IE Ear, Nose and Throat "ENT" or a *Neurologist (*specialist in neurological disorders). You have some form of issue with the neuro-receptors / nerves feeding the tongue.
Well my tongue isn't half numb, however if your tongue is half numb I would suggest you direct your question to a specialist IE Ear, Nose and Throat "ENT" or a *Neurologist (*specialist in neurological disorders). You have some form of issue with the neuro-receptors / nerves feeding the tongue.
i have a numb tonuge
yes , if you want to get your tongue numb
No. Not at all.
The reason you can't taste anything is because your tongue is most likely infected. You should seek professional medical treatment for this. Tongue piercings can be very serious and if they get infected they can rot and decay until nothings left. The symptoms are as follows: Food has little or no taste, tongue is swollen/abnormally large, tongue goes numb at random or is numb for extended periods of time, and hemorrhaging of the taste buds.
because of gravitation
it makes it numb temporarily LOL
because it filled with tar and nicotenneeee
im pretty sure that a doctor will have lots of different tools to numb your tounge. So ask a doctor