because a sun tan only effects the outer surface of the skin. a tattoo is much deeper down so the ink remains in the skin for a much longer period longer, given enoughf time a tattoo will fade as well.
The permanent tattoo will stay on your body for good. While non permanent tattoo willdisapear after a while.
If you mean a permanent tan, no. With enough sun exposure, you could certainly cause enough skin damage to generate a permanent discoloration, but it wouldn't be a uniform tan; it would much more likely be a cancerous spot or spots.
if it is a permanent tattoo, then it wont come off but if it is not a permanent tattoo, it will help it come off.
Rejuvi tattoo removal delivers the removal formula using a tattoo or permanent make-up machine. The treatment can only be performed by a tattoo or permanent make-up artist.
You can but the tattooist will use a cleaner beforehand and that will remove the tan in that area
kid? how old are you? don't get a tattoo. It's permanent. If you do get a tattoo, get a Henna tattoo. They go away after a while
Not at all. You want to wait about a good month after getting a tattoo before you go out in the sun to tan. Having a healing tattoo is a vulnerability out in the sun and it will do nothing but delay the healing time most likely. There is little chance of actual harm being done to your skin and body if you are not bathing in it for hours, but you should still avoid direct sunlight throughout the healing time. Also, once healed, excessive tanning will break down your tattoo and make the colors less vibrant over time as well.
Taylor Swift has had several henna tattoos. She does not have a permanent tattoo.