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They say that if you've tried to get pregnant for a year and nothing has happened, then you should seek help.

Why you haven't been able to get pregnant we can't say. you need to be examined by your doctor. Sounds like your hormones are acting up.

The pill should not do that and if you ever have that again, no period for 5 months, you should go see your gyno. A period can be late but not skip months.

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Q: Why have I not been able to get pregnant. I was taking birth control for 2 months to stop my period for 5 months. I just got my period last month and have not gotten it this month.?
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Could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?

could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?

Is it normal to have your period while you are pregnant?

Is it normal?No. It is NOT normal to have your period at this time. YES you can have a period while pregnant. Some women don't realise they are pregnant til a few months gone because they have gotten their period. Get checked out by a doctor immediately!

If im on birth control and dont get my period for 3 months is that just making it easier to get pregnant?

No. Some forms of birth control pills actually cause you to not get your period for months.

If you have a period and are extremely emotional afterwards can you still be pregnant?

You could have gotten pregnant on your period

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yes because you could have gotten pregnant before your Tubaligation. It depends when you had your Tubaligation

Why haven't i gotten my period for two months?

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What if you missed your period but you are not pregnant?

it is perfectly normal. some grils/women miss their menstrual period and it doesn't necessarily mean that you are pregnant. but if u have not gotten it for like 6 months then u should go talk to your doctor.

A guy cumed in you 2 days before your period but you have already gotten it Are you pregnant?

no you will not get pregnant

Has anyone gotten pregnant from Mirena birth control how did thy know?

No birth control method, save abstinence, is 100% effective. If, after a light or missed period, you take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive, you're probably pregnant.

If got off the pill for a month but I still haven't gotten my period. I may not get my regular period for months. I have new birth control that I want to take. Do I have to wait 4 my period to start?

no! just consult with your doctor.

No period after depo can I get pregnant?

Depoprovera will not make you pregnant for months.

Why haven't i gotten my period in 6 months?

Well I am sorry sweetie but I am not a doctor but I could tell you that if you haven't gotten your period in 6 months its time to do something about it! I would go to the store and buy a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant! And if you are pregnant or not you need to be seen by a doctor asap! If you are not pregnant there are many disease or even cancer that may make you not have a period so you really need to get a pap smear! So I say just make an appt with your doctor if you don't have insurance there is the health department that will help you! YOU REALLY NEED TO BE SEEN BY A DOCTOR IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR NOT! I hope this helps and I wish the best for you!