it means that the girl is puberty
Is that even possible? Take her to a doctor immidiately.
I'm not sure what you mean asking if it 'gets to them'. Most women menstruate, this is a normal occurrence so no reason for it to bother other women when you menstruate.
Well im not a girl but it feels like they are doing it so maybe
The average age would be thirteen however menstruation is different for every female.
No, not every female gets her period. If talking exclusively of those who are biologically female there are those who don't have the anatomy to menstruate or their bodies don't produce the hormones needed to have a menstrual cycle. Pre-pubescent girls don't menstruate and women past menopause don't menstruate, also women who are pregnant won't menstruate during pregnancy (sometimes for longer if they breastfeed), and women who have a hysterectomy to remove the uterus.
yes, if you are a girl, you menstruate.
man dont menstruate
Thankfully, female guinea pig don't menstruate.
No women fail to menstruate. It comes naturally.
No, only people with female reproductive systems menstruate.
Firstly, some men menstruated too - anyone with a vagina, uterus, and ovaries can menstruate - it's not just girls and women who have these body parts. Females menstruate because we are the ones who get pregnant, the body prepares for pregnancy and if we don't fall pregnant the uterus lining sheds so it can renew again next cycle ready for the next possible pregnancy.