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A period is part of the baby-making process. The walls of the uterus are being flushed out and reset, ready for a fresh start of a new month of baby-making.

Your question would be like asking: "Why can't women get kicked in the testicles?"

Men have a whole different setup down there.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Men do not have periods because they do not have a menstrual cycle, which is controlled by the fluctuation of hormones in the female body. Men do not have a uterus or shed the lining of the uterus like women do during menstruation.

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Q: Why dont men have periods?
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Why do girls get periods while guys get nothing?

Girls get periods as part of their menstrual cycle which prepares the body for pregnancy. When pregnancy doesn't occur, the uterine lining sheds, resulting in menstruation. Guys do not have periods because they do not have a uterus or the reproductive organs necessary for menstruation.

Can boys have periods?

Yes, some boys will menstruate.Some men have a vagina, uterus, and ovaries so will menstruate just like cis women do. Remember that not all men have a penis, and some men have a vagina.Cis men do not have periods or "that time of the month" - menstruation is a specific function, it is not just women being moody and getting menstrual cramps. It's sexist to suggest that women's menstruation is just their being moody and cramping, neither of these are a normal part of menstruation but part of a social construct around menstruation or a result of hormonal imbalance.

Do men have periods?

Strangely....Yes. Male "periods" occur when men get a recurring bleeding in the prostate, which drains from the anus. The term for these symptoms has been know as "Red-Sticks" (also known as RS), on account of the blood usually draining during a bowel movement. Now while this does not occur as often as the female menstruation, some men can go through RS as many times as once a month (avg. men have RS symptoms every 3-4 months). Like females, males can experience Pre-Red-Sticks symptoms (PRS), which is usually categorized by mood swings and irritability as well as mild depression and emotional withdrawal. However Red-Stick symptoms on average last 4-5 days. Unlike females, men do not need to use tampons or pads, as the sphincter muscles keep the blood from leaking (although a small percentage of men experience leakage, but that is usually due to a rare muscle disorder). Actually it isn't "Physically Impossible" men have periods but we have no blood. Men just get in bad moods so like a girls just without the blood. No Yes but not for the same reason as a woman. Male "periods" occur when men get a recurring bleeding in the prostate, which drains from the anus. The term for these symptoms has been know as "Red-Sticks" (also known as RS), on account of the blood usually draining during a bowel movement. Now while this does not occur as often as the female menstruation, some men can go through RS as many times as once a month (avg. men have RS symptoms every 3-4 months). Like females, males can experience Pre-Red-Sticks symptoms (PRS), which is usually categorized by mood swings and irritability as well as mild depression and emotional withdrawal. However Red-Stick symptoms on average last 4-5 days. Unlike females, men do not need to use tampons or pads, as the sphincter muscles keep the blood from leaking (although a small percentage of men experience leakage, but that is usually due to a rare muscle disorder).

Do vampires have periods?

No, vampires do not have periods because they are typically depicted as being dead and not having functioning bodily systems like reproductive organs. The concept of menstruation is specific to living, flesh-and-blood beings.

Is it normal for you to have white discharge everyday for a year and irreguler periods for example you dont have a period for two months what could it be?

It is not normal to have white discharge every day for a year and irregular periods like skipping a period for two months. This could be due to hormonal imbalances, infections, or other underlying health conditions. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

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How do you control periods?

You dont

Do you have periods when pregnant?

No, you dont.

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well considering men do not have periods..thierfor they dont use tampons and no its not a concern for males..only for females.

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83% of men.

Why men don't have menstruation?

Men don't have periods, simply because they don't have a uterus.

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men do not have periods

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