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Yes Vampires have periods. Even though they are dead creatures they do have periods. It may come as a shock but all vampired have periods even males.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

No, vampires do not have periods because they are typically depicted as being dead and not having functioning bodily systems like reproductive organs. The concept of menstruation is specific to living, flesh-and-blood beings.

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Do female vampires have menstrual periods?

Uhmm, if you are referring to Twilight-related vampires then no.

When women vampires have their period do they need tampons?

Women vampires do not have periods and can not get impregnated, but male vampires can impregnate a woman.

Can male vampires get pregnant?

No. Just because they're vampires doesn't mean they suddenly turn into a woman. And even if they did, female vampires can't get pregnant anyway because they don't have any blood in their bodies, and therefore don't have periods. Male vampires can, however make human women pregnant, producing a Dhampir - half vampire, half human.

Why cant female vampires give birth?

Because they are not alive. In vampire academy iit is stated that vampires are the body and wraths the soul. But generally speaking it is because they do not go through human functions eg going to the toilet, sweating or having periods. Therefore no babys.

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Sorry but your question is an oxymoron as 'Old Britain' and 'Victorian times' represent two widely separated time periods.

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Do vampires turn animals into vampires?

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Can people create vampires?

No, only vampires can make new vampires

In what animals can vampires can change?

None, vampires are vampires, not shape-shifters.