Because you're eating and drinking the same amount of energy and fluid that you're using. (I.e everything is in balance).
The year is different
pend what to want to do ......... gain weight: 2500 + 200 more each week till you have 3000 aday stay same weight: 2400 loose weight: 2100 + gym work jack rogerson -
more weight less reps more weight less reps
There is none. They are all the same length
One pound.
3 weeks
No, that is very unsafe to lose that amount of weight so quickly,
Yes because they are not going to stay the same size forever!! Its very important for them to grow especially when young to become healthy as an adult. (adult age is 1 for dogs).
Depending on how much you weigh and how you exercise. People you weight more usually burn more calories and lose weight faster, and then begin to plateau and stay the same weight, in order to lose more weight you'll have to increase the level of exercises to advanced. it also depends if you do light activites , moderate , to heavy activites.
4-5 days a week, rougly the same as us.
2% a day, 10% a week
About 3km- and about 5 times a week.